February 13, 2020
St. Augustine HS - St. Augustine, FL

Girls' 1600 Meters

1 Madison Niederriter SR St. Augustine 5:29.50 10
2 Reilly Barber SO St. Augustine 5:29.60 8
3 Naila Etique JR Nease 5:32.70 6
4 Marisa Kortright JR Fleming Island 5:33.90 5
5 Blake Petrick JR Creekside 5:35.80 4
6 Francely Rodriguez JR Flagler Palm Coast 5:35.90 2.5
6 Laci Watford SO University Christian 5:35.90 2.5
8 Elliott Fluman SR St. Augustine 5:46.60 1
9 Madison Manucy SO Nease 5:57.60 -
10 Lauren Bolnick JR Creekside 5:58.50 -
11 Katherine Mueller FR Nease 5:58.70 -
12 Olivia Kemp SO Menendez 6:11.80 -
13 Ashley Stanley JR Nease 6:18.10 -
14 Mya Stam JR St. Augustine 6:21.34 -
15 Sarah Robinson 8 St. Johns Country Day 6:25.65 -
16 Kayleigh Johnson FR Flagler Palm Coast 6:26.84 -
17 Elyse Soracco JR Creekside 6:27.38 -
18 Marley Concha SO Menendez 6:32.80 -
19 Salah Miller FR Menendez 6:34.53 -
20 Riley Reinhold SO Menendez 6:39.11 -
21 Haley Olsen SR Flagler Palm Coast 6:41.48 -
22 Madison Milone JR Fleming Island 6:42.72 -
23 Madeline Lee SO Creekside 6:45.56 -
24 Elliott Baker SO Fleming Island 7:01.60 -
25 Montana Arnold Senior St. Joseph 7:04.45 -
26 Rebecca Stratton 7 St. Johns Country Day 7:05.22 -
27 Sarah Mejias 6 St. Johns Country Day 7:07.28 -
28 Riley Boudreau SR Trinity Christian (Jax) 7:08.96 -
29 Sarah Jackson SR Trinity Christian (Jax) 7:09.03 -
30 Anna Rafalski FR Fleming Island 7:22.60 -
31 Katrina Kalis 8 Florida Deaf and Blind 7:46.27 -
Girls' 1600 Meters Section 1
14 Mya Stam JR St. Augustine 7:07.10 7:41.43 6:21.34 4:26.94 -
15 Sarah Robinson 8 St. Johns Country Day 7:31.21 6:56.51 6:25.65 7:04.22 -
16 Kayleigh Johnson FR Flagler Palm Coast 6:38.45 5:17.21 6:26.84 5:05.61 -
17 Elyse Soracco JR Creekside 7:10.00 7:13.87 6:27.38 6:50.63 -
19 Salah Miller FR Menendez 5:59.03 6:30.59 6:34.53 5:43.25 -
20 Riley Reinhold SO Menendez 4:55.35 5:35.26 6:39.11 4:43.37 -
21 Haley Olsen SR Flagler Palm Coast 7:21.63 5:41.26 6:41.48 5:13.16 -
22 Madison Milone JR Fleming Island 7:02.86 5:22.18 6:42.72 6:42.72 -
23 Madeline Lee SO Creekside 6:37.45 6:00.95 6:45.56 6:49.62 -
25 Montana Arnold Senior St. Joseph 6:00.79 5:26.83 7:04.45 8:42.08 -
26 Rebecca Stratton 7 St. Johns Country Day 9:08.54 8:38.77 7:05.22 7:00.97 -
27 Sarah Mejias 6 St. Johns Country Day 8:28.47 7:37.19 7:07.28 8:02.83 -
28 Riley Boudreau SR Trinity Christian (Jax) 6:00.33 7:38.99 7:08.96 7:13.25 -
29 Sarah Jackson SR Trinity Christian (Jax) 6:13.26 7:26.20 7:09.03 7:39.07 -
31 Katrina Kalis 8 Florida Deaf and Blind 9:19.53 9:42.84 7:46.27 6:31.67 -
Girls' 1600 Meters Section 2
1 Madison Niederriter SR St. Augustine 5:29.50 10
2 Reilly Barber SO St. Augustine 5:29.60 8
3 Naila Etique JR Nease 5:32.70 6
4 Marisa Kortright JR Fleming Island 5:33.90 5
5 Blake Petrick JR Creekside 5:35.80 4
6 Laci Watford SO University Christian 5:35.90 2.5
6 Francely Rodriguez JR Flagler Palm Coast 5:35.90 2.5
8 Elliott Fluman SR St. Augustine 5:46.60 1
9 Madison Manucy SO Nease 5:57.60 -
10 Lauren Bolnick JR Creekside 5:58.50 -
11 Katherine Mueller FR Nease 5:58.70 -
12 Olivia Kemp SO Menendez 6:11.80 -
13 Ashley Stanley JR Nease 6:18.10 -
18 Marley Concha SO Menendez 6:32.80 -
24 Elliott Baker SO Fleming Island 7:01.60 -
30 Anna Rafalski FR Fleming Island 7:22.60 -