April 3- 5, 2014
Florida-Percy Beard Track - Gainesville, FL
Boys 4 x 100m Relay High School
0 | St. Andrew's | Chris Cho, Nick Grau Garu, Stockton Sheehan, Andre Delaney | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ |
0 | Naples | Carlin Fils Aime, Tyler Bryd, Michael Walker, Noe Guzman | DNF | DNF | DNF | DNF | DNF | DNF | DNF |
1 | Miami Washington | Krondis Larry, Deltron Hopkins, Terrawn McPhee, Nigel Bethel II | 35.71 | 33.68 | 41.39 | 40.57 | 51.53 | 38.95 | 31.65 |
2 | Dr. Phillips | Javon Thomas, Jamari Smith, Roderick Proctor, Ronnell Mitchell | 49.0 | 34.6 | 37.9 | 41.2 | 30.4 | 32.1 | 47.7 |
3 | St Thomas Aquinas | Sam Bruce, James Oliphant, Jordan Scarlett, Madre London | 36.50 | 47.28 | 33.18 | 41.47 | 39.82 | 45.21 | 32.35 |
4 | First Academy (Orlando) | Theodore Washington, Michael Timpson Jr., Mason Plante, Jahquez Durham | 45.23 | 37.35 | 40.66 | 41.49 | 29.46 | 49.79 | 32.37 |
5 | Gainesville | Michael Hudson, Kenric Young, Dontarian Evans, Kylan Oates | 37.05 | 41.63 | 32.48 | 41.63 | 52.04 | 52.04 | 44.13 |
6 | The St. Michael School | Nurse Shae, Cadogan Levi, Best Joash, Atwell Tamal | 32.08 | 37.50 | 52.50 | 41.66 | 33.75 | 52.08 | 46.25 |
7 | Miami Northwestern | Deandre Baker, simino walden, khalid mcghee, antonio howard | 48.47 | 32.17 | 34.68 | 41.78 | 48.05 | 35.10 | 33.85 |
8 | Flagler Palm Coast | Queshaun Byrd, Ra Blanding, Jimmie Robinson, Joshua Huggins | 36.98 | 30.26 | 30.26 | 42.02 | 50.43 | 48.33 | 35.30 |
9 | Spruce Creek | Tremell McMillion, Xavier Atkins, Tyrin Dickerson, Andrew Spence | 39.14 | 49.66 | 34.93 | 42.08 | 39.14 | 34.09 | 29.46 |
10 | Freedom (Orlando) | Devin Cortese, Riel Frazer, Keith McGhee, Deandre Noel | 32.22 | 44.09 | 38.58 | 42.39 | 40.70 | 46.63 | 36.04 |
11 | Miramar | Quanteris Guy, Gregori McCrae, Khalil Lewis, Jamauli Stewart | 36.67 | 46.06 | 32.84 | 42.64 | 29.85 | 32.84 | 36.25 |
12 | Vanguard (Ocala) | Wayne Richardson, Natrell Jamerson, Donte Lecorn, Mike Mitchell | 51.61 | 55.02 | 38.82 | 42.65 | 35.40 | 52.04 | 40.52 |
13 | West Orange | Chris Brown, Garrett Johnson, Jalen Julius, Eddie McDoom | 49.13 | 39.31 | 32.47 | 42.72 | 42.30 | 52.55 | 44.86 |
14 | Hallandale | Antwuan Musgrove, John Battle, Paul Anderson, Richie Cooper | 44.1 | 46.3 | 39.0 | 42.9 | 48.0 | 39.4 | 44.6 |
15 | Jones | Tarandis Jones, Cornelius Jennings, Fredic Barnes, Sedarius Young | 35.34 | 46.25 | 48.43 | 43.63 | 30.98 | 52.80 | 31.85 |
16 | Lake Weir | Joseph Lindsey, Jernir Etienne, Josue Saint-Fleur, Jonathan Streb | 41.92 | 49.78 | 46.28 | 43.66 | 50.21 | 33.62 | 51.09 |
17 | South Fort Myers | Antwan Dixon, E'Quan Dorris, Noel Penn, Willie Johnson | 45.57 | 47.32 | 50.82 | 43.81 | 49.51 | 38.12 | 38.56 |
18 | Golden Gate | Ricardo Colas, Cliffrondji Pascal, Taylor Anderson, Rickenson Fabe | 47.1 | 33.5 | 37.4 | 44.1 | 31.7 | 34.3 | 40.1 |
19 | Gibbs | Damien Daniels, Jaquez President, Jabari Reed-Diop, Craig Watts | 39.39 | 53.55 | 36.73 | 44.25 | 34.96 | 32.31 | 49.56 |
20 | Lake Mary | kevin Capella, Charles Elbery, Michael Henry, Kenny Williams | 48.78 | 32.22 | 41.62 | 44.75 | 36.25 | 38.94 | 42.07 |
21 | Trenton | Melvin Adams, Asa Marangoni, Hamp Cheevers, Kenny Deen | 35.61 | 51.83 | 37.86 | 45.07 | 32.00 | 53.19 | 40.57 |
22 | Eastside High School | Dariaunte Davis, Hal Davis, Darien Douglas, Torrey Richardson | 49.21 | 37.02 | 55.07 | 45.14 | 51.91 | 31.60 | 31.60 |
23 | Community School (Naples) | Charlie Badger, Zach Rochette, Mika Crespo, Anthony Vernava | 57.28 | 31.83 | 57.74 | 45.46 | 38.65 | 53.65 | 35.46 |
24 | P. K. Yonge | Darryl Washington, Christian Ellis, Rayjhan Leath, Antwain Patterson | 49.23 | 55.16 | 48.32 | 45.58 | 38.29 | 50.60 | 38.75 |
25 | Pine Crest | Alex Welch, Will Becker, Sam Toffler, Jay Wilson | 42.52 | 54.20 | 54.20 | 46.72 | 38.31 | 43.92 | 56.07 |
Boys 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 1
1 | Miami Washington | Larry, Hopkins, McPhee, Bethel II | 33.27 | 47.88 | 50.31 | 40.57 | 30.43 | 52.75 |
3 | St Thomas Aquinas | Bruce, Oliphant, Scarlett, London | 32.35 | 47.28 | 30.69 | 41.47 | 44.79 | 50.60 |
5 | Gainesville | Hudson, Young, Evans, Oates | 29.98 | 42.47 | 29.15 | 41.63 | 34.97 | 31.64 |
8 | Flagler Palm Coast | Byrd, Blanding, Robinson, Huggins | 31.52 | 35.30 | 50.01 | 42.02 | 33.62 | 51.69 |
9 | Spruce Creek | McMillion, Atkins, Dickerson, Spence | 34.93 | 30.30 | 50.50 | 42.08 | 37.88 | 38.72 |
11 | Miramar | Guy, McCrae, Lewis, Stewart | 45.63 | 46.48 | 33.26 | 42.64 | 55.01 | 52.45 |
13 | West Orange | Brown, Johnson, Julius, McDoom | 49.99 | 55.54 | 47.42 | 42.72 | 29.91 | 30.34 |
14 | Hallandale | Musgrove, Battle, Anderson, Cooper | 45.4 | 42.4 | 35.1 | 42.9 | 30.0 | 53.1 |
19 | Gibbs | Daniels, President, Reed-Diop, Watts | 52.22 | 44.25 | 56.20 | 44.25 | 30.98 | 50.89 |
Boys 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 2
0 | Naples | Fils Aime, Bryd, Walker, Guzman | DNF | DNF | DNF | DNF | DNF | DNF |
2 | Dr. Phillips | Thomas, Smith, Proctor, Mitchell | 51.0 | 28.8 | 41.2 | 28.8 | 46.9 | 29.6 |
4 | First Academy (Orlando) | Washington, Timpson Jr., Plante, Durham | 30.29 | 51.45 | 41.49 | 52.28 | 50.21 | 33.20 |
6 | The St. Michael School | Shae, Levi, Joash, Tamal | 48.33 | 45.00 | 41.66 | 43.33 | 31.25 | 29.17 |
7 | Miami Northwestern | Baker, walden, mcghee, howard | 48.05 | 48.47 | 41.78 | 30.92 | 44.29 | 30.50 |
10 | Freedom (Orlando) | Cortese, Frazer, McGhee, Noel | 45.79 | 50.87 | 42.39 | 36.46 | 49.60 | 47.48 |
12 | Vanguard (Ocala) | Richardson, Jamerson, Lecorn, Mitchell | 49.05 | 34.98 | 42.65 | 53.32 | 32.42 | 49.90 |
17 | South Fort Myers | Dixon, Dorris, Penn, Johnson | 43.81 | 42.06 | 43.81 | 42.50 | 34.18 | 46.00 |
25 | Pine Crest | Welch, Becker, Toffler, Wilson | 46.26 | 41.12 | 46.72 | 46.72 | 52.80 | 57.47 |
Boys 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 3
0 | St. Andrew's | Cho, Garu, Sheehan, Delaney | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ | DQ |
15 | Jones | Jones, Jennings, Barnes, Young | 44.94 | 34.04 | 41.02 | 33.60 | 43.63 | 41.45 | 32.73 |
16 | Lake Weir | Lindsey, Etienne, Saint-Fleur, Streb | 44.97 | 46.28 | 51.96 | 48.03 | 43.66 | 31.00 | 31.44 |
18 | Golden Gate | Colas, Pascal, Anderson, Fabe | 42.7 | 40.1 | 46.3 | 34.8 | 44.1 | 51.5 | 44.5 |
20 | Lake Mary | Capella, Elbery, Henry, Williams | 47.89 | 55.94 | 38.49 | 31.78 | 44.75 | 39.38 | 53.70 |
21 | Trenton | Adams, Marangoni, Cheevers, Deen | 35.16 | 49.58 | 39.21 | 56.34 | 45.07 | 37.41 | 54.99 |
22 | Eastside High School | Davis, Davis, Douglas, Richardson | 42.44 | 50.11 | 35.66 | 32.96 | 45.14 | 34.76 | 53.72 |
23 | Community School (Naples) | Badger, Rochette, Crespo, Vernava | 46.37 | 45.92 | 45.46 | 43.65 | 45.46 | 33.64 | 50.46 |
24 | P. K. Yonge | Washington, Ellis, Leath, Patterson | 52.42 | 52.42 | 32.37 | 45.58 | 45.58 | 57.43 | 46.04 |