April 3- 5, 2014
Florida-Percy Beard Track - Gainesville, FL

Boys 4 x 100m Relay High School

0 St. Andrew's Chris Cho, Nick Grau Garu, Stockton Sheehan, Andre Delaney DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ
0 Naples Carlin Fils Aime, Tyler Bryd, Michael Walker, Noe Guzman DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
1 Miami Washington Krondis Larry, Deltron Hopkins, Terrawn McPhee, Nigel Bethel II 35.71 33.68 41.39 40.57 51.53 38.95 31.65
2 Dr. Phillips Javon Thomas, Jamari Smith, Roderick Proctor, Ronnell Mitchell 49.0 34.6 37.9 41.2 30.4 32.1 47.7
3 St Thomas Aquinas Sam Bruce, James Oliphant, Jordan Scarlett, Madre London 36.50 47.28 33.18 41.47 39.82 45.21 32.35
4 First Academy (Orlando) Theodore Washington, Michael Timpson Jr., Mason Plante, Jahquez Durham 45.23 37.35 40.66 41.49 29.46 49.79 32.37
5 Gainesville Michael Hudson, Kenric Young, Dontarian Evans, Kylan Oates 37.05 41.63 32.48 41.63 52.04 52.04 44.13
6 The St. Michael School Nurse Shae, Cadogan Levi, Best Joash, Atwell Tamal 32.08 37.50 52.50 41.66 33.75 52.08 46.25
7 Miami Northwestern Deandre Baker, simino walden, khalid mcghee, antonio howard 48.47 32.17 34.68 41.78 48.05 35.10 33.85
8 Flagler Palm Coast Queshaun Byrd, Ra Blanding, Jimmie Robinson, Joshua Huggins 36.98 30.26 30.26 42.02 50.43 48.33 35.30
9 Spruce Creek Tremell McMillion, Xavier Atkins, Tyrin Dickerson, Andrew Spence 39.14 49.66 34.93 42.08 39.14 34.09 29.46
10 Freedom (Orlando) Devin Cortese, Riel Frazer, Keith McGhee, Deandre Noel 32.22 44.09 38.58 42.39 40.70 46.63 36.04
11 Miramar Quanteris Guy, Gregori McCrae, Khalil Lewis, Jamauli Stewart 36.67 46.06 32.84 42.64 29.85 32.84 36.25
12 Vanguard (Ocala) Wayne Richardson, Natrell Jamerson, Donte Lecorn, Mike Mitchell 51.61 55.02 38.82 42.65 35.40 52.04 40.52
13 West Orange Chris Brown, Garrett Johnson, Jalen Julius, Eddie McDoom 49.13 39.31 32.47 42.72 42.30 52.55 44.86
14 Hallandale Antwuan Musgrove, John Battle, Paul Anderson, Richie Cooper 44.1 46.3 39.0 42.9 48.0 39.4 44.6
15 Jones Tarandis Jones, Cornelius Jennings, Fredic Barnes, Sedarius Young 35.34 46.25 48.43 43.63 30.98 52.80 31.85
16 Lake Weir Joseph Lindsey, Jernir Etienne, Josue Saint-Fleur, Jonathan Streb 41.92 49.78 46.28 43.66 50.21 33.62 51.09
17 South Fort Myers Antwan Dixon, E'Quan Dorris, Noel Penn, Willie Johnson 45.57 47.32 50.82 43.81 49.51 38.12 38.56
18 Golden Gate Ricardo Colas, Cliffrondji Pascal, Taylor Anderson, Rickenson Fabe 47.1 33.5 37.4 44.1 31.7 34.3 40.1
19 Gibbs Damien Daniels, Jaquez President, Jabari Reed-Diop, Craig Watts 39.39 53.55 36.73 44.25 34.96 32.31 49.56
20 Lake Mary kevin Capella, Charles Elbery, Michael Henry, Kenny Williams 48.78 32.22 41.62 44.75 36.25 38.94 42.07
21 Trenton Melvin Adams, Asa Marangoni, Hamp Cheevers, Kenny Deen 35.61 51.83 37.86 45.07 32.00 53.19 40.57
22 Eastside High School Dariaunte Davis, Hal Davis, Darien Douglas, Torrey Richardson 49.21 37.02 55.07 45.14 51.91 31.60 31.60
23 Community School (Naples) Charlie Badger, Zach Rochette, Mika Crespo, Anthony Vernava 57.28 31.83 57.74 45.46 38.65 53.65 35.46
24 P. K. Yonge Darryl Washington, Christian Ellis, Rayjhan Leath, Antwain Patterson 49.23 55.16 48.32 45.58 38.29 50.60 38.75
25 Pine Crest Alex Welch, Will Becker, Sam Toffler, Jay Wilson 42.52 54.20 54.20 46.72 38.31 43.92 56.07
Boys 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 1
1 Miami Washington Larry, Hopkins, McPhee, Bethel II 33.27 47.88 50.31 40.57 30.43 52.75
3 St Thomas Aquinas Bruce, Oliphant, Scarlett, London 32.35 47.28 30.69 41.47 44.79 50.60
5 Gainesville Hudson, Young, Evans, Oates 29.98 42.47 29.15 41.63 34.97 31.64
8 Flagler Palm Coast Byrd, Blanding, Robinson, Huggins 31.52 35.30 50.01 42.02 33.62 51.69
9 Spruce Creek McMillion, Atkins, Dickerson, Spence 34.93 30.30 50.50 42.08 37.88 38.72
11 Miramar Guy, McCrae, Lewis, Stewart 45.63 46.48 33.26 42.64 55.01 52.45
13 West Orange Brown, Johnson, Julius, McDoom 49.99 55.54 47.42 42.72 29.91 30.34
14 Hallandale Musgrove, Battle, Anderson, Cooper 45.4 42.4 35.1 42.9 30.0 53.1
19 Gibbs Daniels, President, Reed-Diop, Watts 52.22 44.25 56.20 44.25 30.98 50.89
Boys 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 2
0 Naples Fils Aime, Bryd, Walker, Guzman DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
2 Dr. Phillips Thomas, Smith, Proctor, Mitchell 51.0 28.8 41.2 28.8 46.9 29.6
4 First Academy (Orlando) Washington, Timpson Jr., Plante, Durham 30.29 51.45 41.49 52.28 50.21 33.20
6 The St. Michael School Shae, Levi, Joash, Tamal 48.33 45.00 41.66 43.33 31.25 29.17
7 Miami Northwestern Baker, walden, mcghee, howard 48.05 48.47 41.78 30.92 44.29 30.50
10 Freedom (Orlando) Cortese, Frazer, McGhee, Noel 45.79 50.87 42.39 36.46 49.60 47.48
12 Vanguard (Ocala) Richardson, Jamerson, Lecorn, Mitchell 49.05 34.98 42.65 53.32 32.42 49.90
17 South Fort Myers Dixon, Dorris, Penn, Johnson 43.81 42.06 43.81 42.50 34.18 46.00
25 Pine Crest Welch, Becker, Toffler, Wilson 46.26 41.12 46.72 46.72 52.80 57.47
Boys 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 3
0 St. Andrew's Cho, Garu, Sheehan, Delaney DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ
15 Jones Jones, Jennings, Barnes, Young 44.94 34.04 41.02 33.60 43.63 41.45 32.73
16 Lake Weir Lindsey, Etienne, Saint-Fleur, Streb 44.97 46.28 51.96 48.03 43.66 31.00 31.44
18 Golden Gate Colas, Pascal, Anderson, Fabe 42.7 40.1 46.3 34.8 44.1 51.5 44.5
20 Lake Mary Capella, Elbery, Henry, Williams 47.89 55.94 38.49 31.78 44.75 39.38 53.70
21 Trenton Adams, Marangoni, Cheevers, Deen 35.16 49.58 39.21 56.34 45.07 37.41 54.99
22 Eastside High School Davis, Davis, Douglas, Richardson 42.44 50.11 35.66 32.96 45.14 34.76 53.72
23 Community School (Naples) Badger, Rochette, Crespo, Vernava 46.37 45.92 45.46 43.65 45.46 33.64 50.46
24 P. K. Yonge Washington, Ellis, Leath, Patterson 52.42 52.42 32.37 45.58 45.58 57.43 46.04