April 3- 5, 2014
Florida-Percy Beard Track - Gainesville, FL

Girls 4 x 400m Relay High School

1 St Thomas Aquinas Krystal Sparling, Diamond Spaulding, Narinah Jean-Baptiste, Kendall Ellis 4:02.1 3:48.9 4:06.5 2:51.6 3:40.1
2 Miami Northwestern Timetria Mitchell, Lenneshia Gilbert, Charlease Rodgers, DeAndreah Young 3:29.77 4:30.03 3:36.47 2:40.68 3:43.16
3 Oak Ridge Sharrika Barnett, Nya'h Whitted, Trevanda Jackson, Ashley Grant 4:07.09 3:09.89 4:09.37 3:57.94 3:48.78
4 West Orange Najah Louis, Alana Bell, Jordan Jones, Destiny Washington 4:51.68 4:58.68 4:16.68 3:06.68 3:53.34
5 The St. Michael School Jaria Hoyte, Danielle Scantlebury, Ayanna Morgan, Leah Barker 3:19.14 2:53.37 3:07.43 3:49.60 3:54.28
6 Spruce Creek Jennifer Burns, Kristina Harris, Krista Colubiale, Alexia Johnson 4:25.26 2:49.67 5:08.28 3:56.58 3:58.97
7 Dr. Phillips Marly Joseph, Haille Walker, Adajah Irving, Alahni Wood 3:18.52 2:59.39 4:32.67 3:25.70 3:59.18
8 Alonso Savannah Torres, Holly Wagner, Tia Steward, Megan Wetzel 4:35.0 4:11.1 3:40.0 5:08.5 3:59.2
9 Spoto Brittany Thomas, Antanae Shuler, Mia McCoy, Janae Caldwell 2:47.83 4:57.29 3:33.38 2:59.82 3:59.75
10 Hallandale Edquisha Alvin, Tierra Lacey, Lamisha Simmons, Makeda Elliott 4:24.06 3:40.85 2:50.44 2:50.44 4:00.05
11 Golden Gate Darlene Charles, Samantha Sillien, Sabrina Lormeus, Danisha Nicolas 4:15.5 3:00.8 3:00.8 4:01.1 4:01.1
12 Olympia HIgh School Ukeyvia Beckwith, Sharnecia Clark, Beckwith Stokes, Olivia Piatkowski 3:05.87 5:06.57 3:27.60 4:47.26 4:01.39
13 Miramar Czarea Woods, Daija Rivera, Maisha Martin, Kiwani Chandler 4:22.27 2:54.03 4:19.82 3:43.05 4:05.11
14 Flagler Palm Coast Ladeijah Williams, Sarah Diloreto, Latasha Christian, Devonne Friday 4:47.16 5:04.34 4:29.98 3:35.98 4:05.43
15 Lake Brantley nila cousar, breeyana clayton, sinclaire johnson, christina stafstrom 4:39.95 4:30.13 2:59.27 3:06.64 4:05.57
16 First Academy (Orlando) Ashlee Newsome, Caitlin Barker, Emily Crist, Teahna Daniels 4:03.05 3:08.49 4:47.70 4:47.70 4:08.01
18 Estero Daley Cline, Katherine Slater, Megan Slater, Araceli Leon 3:25.88 4:08.56 4:43.71 3:43.46 4:11.07
19 Coral Glades Shevanese Williams, Cachandre Rawlins, Krystal Young, Taliah Qaiyim 3:28.94 4:06.70 3:06.28 5:04.60 4:11.73
20 Columbia Bernita Brown, Lyric Boyd, Ashayla English, Abby Williams 3:24.02 3:21.50 3:31.57 5:17.36 4:11.87
21 Island Coast Kayla Defoor, Zharia Jackson, Corey Pethers, Leanne Ellis 5:13.49 3:24.78 3:22.25 5:28.66 4:12.81
22 Lourdes Cristina Figueras, Annemarie Jude, Kelly Logue, Olivia Perez 5:24.18 3:09.95 5:08.98 4:43.66 4:13.26
23 Freedom (Orlando) Chantal Sanchez, Symone Jernigan, Alexandria Baba, Summer Johnson 5:28.54 4:22.32 4:09.59 3:33.94 4:14.68
24 Barron Collier Lisa Dewitte, Candice Henlon, Christina Rolquin, Maria Vargas 4:36.58 3:06.95 3:58.17 3:32.56 4:16.09
25 Steinbrenner Tiyera Joseph, Emily Petrus, Samyah Maddox, Rebecca Tabor 5:09.91 4:51.98 5:25.28 3:19.78 4:16.12
26 Gateway Stacy Burrell, Tricia Davis, Daja Clayton, Victoria Cannon 3:38.14 5:25.92 4:08.94 4:29.47 4:16.63
27 Gibbs Tysheria Adams, Jerosan Fletcher, Kyra Johnson, Tiana Rentz 3:38.56 4:47.98 3:30.84 5:23.98 4:17.12
28 Fort Lauderdale Shannon Anglin, Cierra Gregory, Kelli Samuels, Darianaliz Mercado 4:43.1 4:40.5 5:06.3 4:40.5 4:17.4
29 Naples Valencia Fortin, France Moise, Rebecca Rutila, Shenicah Bazile 5:14.45 5:35.07 5:22.18 3:03.00 4:17.74
30 Pine Crest Simone Vreeland, Isabel Farlie, Shannon Ballou, Hailey McEwan 3:49.49 3:54.77 4:02.68 3:09.93 4:23.78
31 P. K. Yonge Lauryn Donald, Kailya Jackson, Auriyan Johnson, Alisha Clayton 4:24.54 5:25.39 3:10.47 3:36.93 4:24.54
Girls 4 x 400m Relay High School Section 1
1 St Thomas Aquinas Sparling, Spaulding, Jean-Baptiste, Ellis 3:59.9 3:29.0 3:40.1 3:35.6
2 Miami Northwestern Mitchell, Gilbert, Rodgers, Young 3:23.08 3:45.40 3:43.16 4:47.88
3 Oak Ridge Barnett, Whitted, Jackson, Grant 3:48.78 4:13.95 3:48.78 3:19.04
4 West Orange Louis, Bell, Jones, Washington 3:13.68 3:02.01 3:53.34 4:21.34
5 The St. Michael School Hoyte, Scantlebury, Morgan, Barker 3:49.60 4:29.43 3:54.28 3:28.51
10 Hallandale Alvin, Lacey, Simmons, Elliott 4:07.26 3:57.65 4:00.05 4:33.66
12 Olympia HIgh School Beckwith, Clark, Stokes, Piatkowski 5:06.57 4:30.36 4:01.39 3:20.36
15 Lake Brantley cousar, clayton, johnson, stafstrom 4:44.87 3:09.09 4:05.57 4:27.68
Girls 4 x 400m Relay High School Section 2
7 Dr. Phillips Joseph, Walker, Irving, Wood 3:59.18 4:47.02 4:37.45 4:03.97
8 Alonso Torres, Wagner, Steward, Wetzel 3:59.2 3:59.2 3:44.8 3:11.3
9 Spoto Thomas, Shuler, McCoy, Caldwell 3:59.75 4:42.91 4:11.74 2:59.82
11 Golden Gate Charles, Sillien, Lormeus, Nicolas 4:01.1 3:53.8 3:53.8 4:27.6
13 Miramar Woods, Rivera, Martin, Chandler 4:05.11 3:30.80 3:47.96 4:10.02
14 Flagler Palm Coast Williams, Diloreto, Christian, Friday 4:05.43 4:54.52 3:16.35 4:00.53
19 Coral Glades Williams, Rawlins, Young, Qaiyim 4:11.73 5:02.08 5:19.70 4:16.77
25 Steinbrenner Joseph, Petrus, Maddox, Tabor 4:16.12 3:53.07 3:06.97 3:58.20
Girls 4 x 400m Relay High School Section 3
6 Spruce Creek Burns, Harris, Colubiale, Johnson 4:41.99 3:58.97 5:03.50 3:04.01
16 First Academy (Orlando) Newsome, Barker, Crist, Daniels 3:50.65 4:08.01 5:19.94 4:47.70
18 Estero Cline, Slater, Slater, Leon 2:58.26 4:11.07 4:21.12 4:46.22
21 Island Coast Defoor, Jackson, Pethers, Ellis 3:42.48 4:12.81 3:17.20 4:02.70
26 Gateway Burrell, Davis, Clayton, Cannon 3:43.27 4:16.63 3:30.44 5:15.66
28 Fort Lauderdale Anglin, Gregory, Samuels, Mercado 4:56.0 4:17.4 4:35.4 5:14.0
29 Naples Fortin, Moise, Rutila, Bazile 4:51.25 4:17.74 5:35.07 4:10.01
Girls 4 x 400m Relay High School Section 4
20 Columbia Brown, Boyd, English, Williams 3:36.61 5:04.77 3:31.57 4:39.58 4:06.84 4:11.87
22 Lourdes Figueras, Jude, Logue, Perez 3:30.21 4:46.19 3:58.07 3:30.21 3:27.68 4:13.26
23 Freedom (Orlando) Sanchez, Jernigan, Baba, Johnson 5:13.26 3:03.37 4:29.96 3:46.67 3:23.75 4:14.68
24 Barron Collier Dewitte, Henlon, Rolquin, Vargas 3:14.63 4:10.97 5:17.56 4:36.58 3:55.61 4:16.09
27 Gibbs Adams, Fletcher, Johnson, Rentz 4:09.41 5:00.83 4:11.98 3:25.70 4:09.41 4:17.12
30 Pine Crest Vreeland, Farlie, Ballou, McEwan 4:47.52 5:37.64 4:42.25 4:21.15 3:36.30 4:23.78
31 P. K. Yonge Donald, Jackson, Johnson, Clayton 4:00.74 5:28.03 5:35.97 4:24.54 4:32.48 4:24.54