March 5, 2024
Lake Region High School - Eagle Lake, FL

Boys' 1600 Meters

1 Daniel Welling SR Santa Fe Catholic 5:04.06 4:38.95 5:54.27 4:55.69
2 Michael McDow SR Geneva Classical Academy 3:19.96 4:45.65 4:48.51 3:25.67
3 Oliver Dempsey SO Geneva Classical Academy 4:13.19 4:47.71 5:13.61 6:11.15
4 Cal Howard 8 McKeel 6:09.90 4:48.98 5:23.66 3:36.74
5 Paulos Kicklighter SO Lakeland Christian 5:04.46 4:49.96 5:01.56 5:18.96
6 Nolan O'Steen FR McKeel 6:13.48 4:51.78 3:53.43 3:59.26
7 Ian Caram-Andruet JR McKeel 3:30.47 4:52.32 5:44.94 4:02.63
8 Jacob Garces FR George Jenkins 4:29.47 4:52.90 6:06.13 5:33.91
9 Richerdson Jean SR Lake Region 6:19.40 4:56.40 4:17.87 4:35.66
10 Steven Twiss JR George Jenkins 4:47.69 4:56.58 4:26.93 5:11.41
11 Frank Sanchez-Santiago SR Lake Region 4:56.98 4:59.98 3:44.99 5:20.98
12 Jonathan Rocendo JR Frostproof 3:48.51 5:00.67 4:57.67 5:57.80
13 Larry Glenn SO Lakeland Christian 5:55.51 5:01.28 4:46.22 6:22.63
14 Miles Davis SR Lakeland Christian 5:04.51 5:01.49 5:10.54 5:43.70
15 Omar Cortez SR Lake Region 6:19.75 5:06.25 4:08.07 6:16.69
16 William Marocco SO George Jenkins 3:43.79 5:06.56 5:21.89 3:59.12
17 Ashe Castineriras JR Ridge Community 5:53.13 5:07.07 5:16.29 3:59.52
18 Justin Martin SO George Jenkins 3:39.34 5:08.93 6:04.54 5:02.76
19 Will Yates JR Geneva Classical Academy 5:46.24 5:09.14 4:25.86 5:12.24
20 Mason Arnold SO George Jenkins 6:00.39 5:10.68 5:57.29 3:37.48
21 Richard Ramirez JR Frostproof 5:26.59 5:11.03 5:54.58 4:30.60
22 Fernando Barajas 8 Frostproof 4:18.62 5:11.59 5:48.98 5:48.98
23 Austin Jordan SO McKeel 6:46.64 5:12.80 4:35.27 3:57.73
24 Tyler Martelly SR Lake Region 3:52.36 5:14.00 6:35.64 4:08.06
25 zach smith SO McKeel 5:47.88 5:22.11 4:37.02 5:41.44
26 Alex Welling 8 McKeel 5:19.99 5:23.22 3:52.72 6:31.10
27 danny garcia SR McKeel 4:02.50 5:27.70 4:28.72 4:41.83
28 Andrew McKnight FR McKeel 6:21.40 5:28.79 5:15.64 5:18.93
29 Isaac Ostrom SO Geneva Classical Academy 4:38.66 5:31.73 6:41.40 4:18.75
30 Alex Werschky SR Lakeland Christian 5:05.65 5:32.22 5:55.48 4:22.46
31 John Sewnarine SO Discovery 5:43.88 5:33.86 4:47.12 6:47.31
32 eli dam 8 McKeel 6:55.60 5:35.16 6:28.79 6:05.33
33 Carter McCastlain SO Geneva Classical Academy 6:53.85 5:36.46 6:00.02 6:23.57
34 Angel Lopez-Santiago SR Lake Region 7:08.97 5:37.77 7:08.97 6:28.44
35 hunter presson 8 McKeel 4:51.17 5:38.56 4:27.47 4:17.31
36 Erick Chavez FR Frostproof 4:05.37 5:40.79 5:57.83 5:03.31
37 Jon-Tae Palmer FR Ridge Community 5:31.84 5:42.10 4:26.84 3:59.47
38 Logan Conway FR Oasis Christian 6:43.89 5:42.28 6:13.09 4:06.45
39 Ryan Davis SO Ridge Community 4:08.58 5:45.24 4:36.20 4:22.39
40 Jack Zellers JR Lake Wales 6:13.69 5:46.01 7:09.06 4:36.81
41 Maxim Kulshyn 8 McKeel 5:06.19 5:47.94 5:58.38 6:54.05
42 Dominic Martinez 8 Frostproof 4:22.43 5:49.90 6:59.88 5:11.42
43 Bryce Jester SO George Jenkins 4:05.56 5:50.80 4:05.56 4:30.12
44 Chase Pistole SO Lake Wales 6:37.02 5:51.34 7:05.13 5:44.32
45 Santiago Cortez FR Mulberry 6:09.15 5:54.95 5:23.01 7:23.69
46 Johnny Liu JR Ridge Community 7:16.78 5:55.10 4:15.68 5:01.84
47 Bryan Santiago-Lopez JR Lake Region 6:53.13 5:56.14 4:44.92 5:59.71
48 Zach Howard 8 McKeel 6:23.02 5:57.96 6:58.82 5:32.91
49 Jaylen Kelly-O'Riley SO Lake Region 7:42.31 5:58.38 4:46.71 7:42.31
50 Noah Gall FR Oasis Christian 5:09.60 5:59.99 4:58.80 4:26.40
51 Christian Gonzalez FR Geneva Classical Academy 4:59.16 6:00.43 5:17.18 6:07.64
52 Malachi Ramos FR Roosevelt Academy 7:31.34 6:03.98 4:32.99 5:27.59
53 Martin Martinez JR Mulberry 7:34.60 6:06.61 4:45.96 5:22.62
54 Luke Sweeney JR McKeel 4:20.33 6:06.66 5:19.00 5:48.33
55 Alex Morgan 7 McKeel 5:41.08 6:06.75 7:31.11 7:01.77
56 Miguel Binzha JR Lake Wales 5:59.64 6:06.98 4:16.89 4:35.24
57 Jesse Ruvalcaba FR Lake Wales 5:52.70 6:07.39 7:46.59 4:50.24
58 Zachary Kent FR George Jenkins 7:24.63 6:07.46 4:28.25 6:14.81
59 Max Davila FR Lakeland Christian 4:35.75 6:07.66 6:37.08 6:18.69
60 Blake To 8 McKeel 7:27.02 6:12.51 4:50.56 4:31.94
61 Caleb Wimer FR George Jenkins 4:31.00 6:16.38 8:09.30 4:42.29
62 Brogan Harvey SO McKeel 8:09.18 6:25.18 5:23.56 6:40.59
63 Elijah Dilworth FR Mulberry 5:21.28 6:27.08 7:09.66 5:44.51
64 Yonuel Velaquez FR Ridge Community 8:32.50 6:34.23 7:17.60 7:01.83
65 Lucas Caram Andruet 7 McKeel 5:05.29 6:36.48 7:00.27 4:45.47
66 Corey Jean JR Ridge Community 7:40.95 6:44.34 8:13.30 8:29.47
67 Dylan Ponce-Robert FR Santa Fe Catholic 5:28.20 6:50.24 6:25.63 7:35.37
68 Rylen Parquet-Ross FR Santa Fe Catholic 9:02.39 6:57.22 6:36.36 8:37.36
69 Caden Boone SO McKeel 8:40.46 6:59.72 8:23.67 6:38.74
70 Tristan Ritter 6 Roosevelt Academy 6:57.41 8:41.76 6:31.32 10:52.20
  Lauchlin Briceland SO George Jenkins DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Wyatt Leverette SR Lake Region DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Tyler Hayward SR Lake Region DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Benji Torres JR Lake Wales DNS DNS DNS DNS
  William Dykes JR Lake Wales DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Nicolas Kleinhenz SR McKeel DNS DNS DNS DNS
  James Law 7 McKeel DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Omar Valencia Calixtro JR Frostproof DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Gideon Secrist 7 McKeel DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Jude Porricelli JR McKeel DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Tyler Lemeur FR Ridge Community DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Kramer Kocina JR Santa Fe Catholic DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Eli Kennedy FR Geneva Classical Academy DNS DNS DNS DNS
Boys' 1600 Meters Section 1
37 Jon-Tae Palmer FR Ridge Community 6:53.95 6:06.05 5:25.00 6:09.47 7:14.47 5:42.10 4:57.63
39 Ryan Davis SO Ridge Community 5:10.72 7:08.10 5:45.24 5:31.43 6:23.22 5:45.24 6:12.86
41 Maxim Kulshyn 8 McKeel 5:30.55 6:57.53 7:14.93 6:01.86 6:40.14 5:47.94 4:24.44
42 Dominic Martinez 8 Frostproof 4:36.43 6:00.40 6:56.39 5:07.92 5:46.40 5:49.90 5:53.40
46 Johnny Liu JR Ridge Community 4:58.29 7:13.23 4:58.29 7:34.53 5:23.15 5:55.10 7:09.68
47 Bryan Santiago-Lopez JR Lake Region 5:49.02 6:35.32 4:41.35 7:10.93 4:30.67 5:56.14 7:18.06
49 Jaylen Kelly-O'Riley SO Lake Region 4:10.87 5:15.38 4:14.45 6:52.14 5:18.96 5:58.38 5:44.05
52 Malachi Ramos FR Roosevelt Academy 4:40.27 6:47.66 6:47.66 7:45.90 4:18.43 6:03.98 4:40.27
54 Luke Sweeney JR McKeel 4:31.33 5:15.33 4:42.33 4:24.00 6:06.66 6:06.66 4:24.00
55 Alex Morgan 7 McKeel 7:38.44 5:15.41 6:36.09 7:23.77 5:15.41 6:06.75 4:38.73
56 Miguel Binzha JR Lake Wales 7:09.37 4:27.90 4:20.56 5:30.29 7:53.41 6:06.98 6:51.02
57 Jesse Ruvalcaba FR Lake Wales 4:50.24 4:50.24 5:30.66 5:52.70 5:23.31 6:07.39 6:44.13
59 Max Davila FR Lakeland Christian 4:50.46 6:48.11 4:43.10 5:52.96 5:01.49 6:07.66 4:50.46
62 Brogan Harvey SO McKeel 7:34.52 7:19.11 4:48.89 7:42.22 6:40.59 6:25.18 7:15.26
63 Elijah Dilworth FR Mulberry 6:34.83 7:29.02 6:23.21 5:36.76 5:32.89 6:27.08 8:15.47
64 Yonuel Velaquez FR Ridge Community 7:17.60 7:41.25 8:04.91 5:07.50 6:57.89 6:34.23 7:45.20
65 Lucas Caram Andruet 7 McKeel 7:39.92 6:32.52 8:23.53 6:20.62 5:17.19 6:36.48 7:24.06
66 Corey Jean JR Ridge Community 8:41.60 4:47.09 8:25.43 6:20.08 5:35.61 6:44.34 5:31.56
67 Dylan Ponce-Robert FR Santa Fe Catholic 7:51.78 5:19.99 5:07.68 7:10.76 5:44.61 6:50.24 5:07.68
68 Rylen Parquet-Ross FR Santa Fe Catholic 4:52.06 5:54.64 6:48.88 6:36.36 8:08.15 6:57.22 6:11.33
69 Caden Boone SO McKeel 8:02.68 8:36.26 8:15.27 8:06.88 6:34.54 6:59.72 6:55.53
70 Tristan Ritter 6 Roosevelt Academy 9:39.16 6:52.19 7:13.06 7:49.59 6:26.11 8:41.76 9:18.29
  William Dykes JR Lake Wales DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Nicolas Kleinhenz SR McKeel DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Tyler Hayward SR Lake Region DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Gideon Secrist 7 McKeel DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Jude Porricelli JR McKeel DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Tyler Lemeur FR Ridge Community DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS
Boys' 1600 Meters Section 2
15 Omar Cortez SR Lake Region 4:08.07 6:04.44 5:06.25 6:28.94 4:32.57 5:18.50
16 William Marocco SO George Jenkins 4:29.78 5:34.15 5:06.56 5:40.29 5:12.70 5:24.96
18 Justin Martin SO George Jenkins 5:39.83 4:50.40 5:08.93 4:07.15 4:13.33 6:29.26
21 Richard Ramirez JR Frostproof 5:42.14 6:28.79 5:11.03 5:48.36 3:47.06 5:20.36
25 zach smith SO McKeel 6:13.65 4:43.46 5:22.11 6:32.98 6:29.76 5:57.55
26 Alex Welling 8 McKeel 4:47.67 4:25.04 5:23.22 4:47.67 4:21.81 4:44.44
27 danny garcia SR McKeel 6:46.35 5:40.81 5:27.70 5:53.92 5:47.37 5:30.98
28 Andrew McKnight FR McKeel 5:55.10 5:32.08 5:28.79 6:18.11 3:50.16 4:03.31
29 Isaac Ostrom SO Geneva Classical Academy 5:58.27 5:58.27 5:31.73 5:25.10 4:32.02 5:51.64
31 John Sewnarine SO Discovery 4:30.43 6:43.97 5:33.86 5:23.85 3:53.71 5:03.82
32 eli dam 8 McKeel 5:01.65 5:41.87 5:35.16 4:14.73 6:45.55 5:48.57
33 Carter McCastlain SO Geneva Classical Academy 5:09.55 5:43.19 5:36.46 5:09.55 4:08.98 6:16.84
34 Angel Lopez-Santiago SR Lake Region 4:13.33 5:04.00 5:37.77 6:38.57 6:35.19 5:37.77
35 hunter presson 8 McKeel 6:49.66 4:41.01 5:38.56 5:31.79 4:27.47 6:46.28
36 Erick Chavez FR Frostproof 4:49.68 6:28.50 5:40.79 4:01.96 5:03.31 4:05.37
38 Logan Conway FR Oasis Christian 5:11.48 6:02.82 5:42.28 4:13.29 4:23.56 6:57.59
40 Jack Zellers JR Lake Wales 4:02.21 7:26.36 5:46.01 6:20.62 6:06.77 5:56.39
43 Bryce Jester SO George Jenkins 4:12.58 6:25.88 5:50.80 6:04.84 6:57.46 5:40.28
44 Chase Pistole SO Lake Wales 5:33.78 6:40.53 5:51.34 5:12.70 4:55.13 5:37.29
45 Santiago Cortez FR Mulberry 5:33.66 6:02.05 5:54.95 6:48.20 4:51.06 4:43.96
48 Zach Howard 8 McKeel 5:50.80 7:05.98 5:57.96 4:49.95 4:53.53 7:09.56
50 Noah Gall FR Oasis Christian 7:37.19 7:47.99 5:59.99 5:49.19 7:29.99 5:24.00
51 Christian Gonzalez FR Geneva Classical Academy 6:29.27 7:48.56 6:00.43 6:47.29 5:02.77 5:35.20
53 Martin Martinez JR Mulberry 7:19.94 6:10.28 6:06.61 7:12.60 4:45.96 6:50.61
58 Zachary Kent FR George Jenkins 5:52.77 4:28.25 6:07.46 5:16.02 5:01.32 6:00.11
60 Blake To 8 McKeel 7:04.67 7:19.57 6:12.51 5:38.99 5:35.26 6:38.59
61 Caleb Wimer FR George Jenkins 4:53.58 6:05.09 6:16.38 7:39.19 5:42.51 5:12.40
  Wyatt Leverette SR Lake Region DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Lauchlin Briceland SO George Jenkins DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Kramer Kocina JR Santa Fe Catholic DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS
Boys' 1600 Meters Section 3
1 Daniel Welling SR Santa Fe Catholic 4:38.95 5:09.64 5:37.53 4:30.59 4:33.38 4:11.06
2 Michael McDow SR Geneva Classical Academy 4:45.65 4:34.23 4:17.09 5:08.51 4:48.51 3:31.38
3 Oliver Dempsey SO Geneva Classical Academy 4:47.71 3:32.91 6:08.27 3:38.66 4:21.82 4:33.33
4 Cal Howard 8 McKeel 4:48.98 6:15.68 6:09.90 5:41.00 6:09.90 5:35.22
5 Paulos Kicklighter SO Lakeland Christian 4:49.96 6:11.15 4:52.86 5:16.06 4:15.17 6:02.45
6 Nolan O'Steen FR McKeel 4:51.78 5:12.21 5:32.63 3:44.67 3:41.76 5:44.30
7 Ian Caram-Andruet JR McKeel 4:52.32 4:43.55 4:26.02 5:59.56 6:17.10 5:59.56
8 Jacob Garces FR George Jenkins 4:52.90 4:20.69 4:55.83 3:42.61 3:39.68 5:04.62
9 Richerdson Jean SR Lake Region 4:56.40 4:29.73 5:20.12 4:38.62 4:23.80 4:38.62
10 Steven Twiss JR George Jenkins 4:56.58 5:29.21 4:09.13 5:29.21 4:15.06 5:58.87
11 Frank Sanchez-Santiago SR Lake Region 4:59.98 6:11.98 4:17.99 5:26.98 4:11.99 3:38.99
12 Jonathan Rocendo JR Frostproof 5:00.67 4:15.57 4:06.55 5:21.72 5:33.75 4:15.57
13 Larry Glenn SO Lakeland Christian 5:01.28 3:36.93 4:40.19 5:16.35 5:40.45 5:40.45
14 Miles Davis SR Lakeland Christian 5:01.49 3:46.12 6:19.88 5:49.73 3:52.15 3:55.17
17 Ashe Castineriras JR Ridge Community 5:07.07 4:39.44 3:53.38 5:34.71 4:51.72 6:05.42
19 Will Yates JR Geneva Classical Academy 5:09.14 4:13.50 4:01.13 3:54.95 5:40.06 5:15.33
20 Mason Arnold SO George Jenkins 5:10.68 4:14.76 4:17.87 5:54.18 5:38.65 6:25.25
22 Fernando Barajas 8 Frostproof 5:11.59 6:04.56 5:52.10 5:08.48 5:58.33 5:02.25
23 Austin Jordan SO McKeel 5:12.80 4:10.24 6:02.85 5:15.93 4:32.14 6:18.49
24 Tyler Martelly SR Lake Region 5:14.00 5:57.96 4:48.88 5:23.42 3:49.22 6:16.80
30 Alex Werschky SR Lakeland Christian 5:32.22 4:39.07 6:48.63 6:38.67 6:55.28 5:32.22
  Benji Torres JR Lake Wales DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Eli Kennedy FR Geneva Classical Academy DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS
  Omar Valencia Calixtro JR Frostproof DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS