April 14-15, 2006
University of Virginia - Charlottesville, VA

Women's 200 Meters

1 Kellie Wells Senior Hampton 26.59 28.71 23.53 16.71 21.18
2 Yvette Lewis Junior Hampton 29.33 24.84 23.65 21.29 27.91
3 Lynn Hernandez Senior Maryland 21.49 25.78 23.87 25.07 26.02
4 Christina Dewitt Sophomore Hampton 16.89 22.19 24.12 19.78 29.43
5 LaClaire Carter Senior Howard 21.56 26.40 24.22 19.14 18.65
6 maria ferguson   U.S. Elite 20.00 28.28 24.38 19.75 28.53
7 Septima Glenn Freshman Hampton 17.5 23.1 24.4 21.9 29.5
8 Rachel Lewis Freshman Hampton 31.58 27.67 24.48 25.46 23.75
9 Kim Williams Freshman Binghamton 31.26 17.72 24.61 23.88 27.08
10 Karen Simon Senior Christopher Newport 26.12 17.25 24.64 21.69 21.69
11 Candace Holness Sophomore Maryland 31.73 18.39 25.18 28.96 21.66
12 Arionne Allen Sophomore Hampton 27.57 19.73 25.29 31.87 18.21
13 Toria Williams Senior Monmouth 21.80 26.10 25.34 27.62 25.85
14 Danielle McNaney   Unattached 21.05 26.12 25.36 23.84 26.89
14 Nicole McKenzie Senior MD-Eastern Shore 19.02 24.35 25.36 21.31 19.28
16 Reannah Lewis Junior St. Francis (NY) 24.3 19.0 25.4 22.6 21.0
17 Tiffany Walton Sophomore Hampton 21.35 21.09 25.41 26.18 30.24
18 Yvette White-Johnson Senior Mid Atlantic Elite 21.49 23.28 25.58 27.12 22.77
19 Kathleen Woody Junior William and Mary 24.61 27.94 25.63 28.20 24.61
20 Jennifer Hill   D.C. Capitol Track Club 20.52 30.27 25.65 21.04 21.04
21 Ashley Madonick Freshman William and Mary 24.13 22.85 25.67 25.67 24.39
22 Alisha Burnett Junior Virginia Union 29.02 23.89 25.68 29.54 32.10
23 Illiana Blackshear Freshman Monmouth 26.72 20.04 25.69 24.92 22.35
24 Deanna Paulson Junior Monmouth 21.61 23.92 25.72 24.70 28.81
25 Jordan Teuber Sophomore St. Joseph's 28.31 24.70 25.73 19.56 32.68
26 eboni reavis   U.S. Elite 18.02 19.31 25.74 20.08 24.20
27 Marrisa Biggins Sophomore James Madison 19.07 25.51 25.76 24.99 26.79
27 Lakiesha Banks Sophomore Virginia State 27.05 31.95 25.76 26.28 25.76
29 Joanne Shia Sophomore Monmouth 24.12 30.86 25.93 22.56 32.68
30 Erica Moody Sophomore Duquesne 19.53 24.47 26.03 21.61 19.53
31 Sheena Ruff Senior St. Francis (NY) 30.7 32.8 26.1 33.9 33.6
32 Andrea Bussey Freshman Hampton 20.64 22.21 26.12 21.94 28.21
33 Erika Banks Sophomore VCU 22.48 24.83 26.13 19.08 22.48
33 Shonte Cook Sophomore Duquesne 27.44 20.65 26.13 29.01 28.22
35 Tierra Gregory Freshman UMBC 24.33 28.52 26.16 30.35 19.62
36 Adeola Abisogun Freshman William and Mary 26.24 31.23 26.24 25.72 20.73
37 Syreeta Brown Sophomore Mount St. Mary's 18.38 18.64 26.25 31.50 26.25
38 Natosca Josephs Freshman Virginia Intermont 28.38 31.27 26.27 31.27 30.21
39 Ashley Earnest Freshman Duquesne 31.35 23.18 26.34 20.02 20.55
40 Kathy Parker Freshman Duquesne 21.09 31.11 26.36 26.36 22.41
41 Brittany Rogers Freshman Howard 20.36 21.15 26.43 21.41 28.28
42 Valerie Ramirez Junior St. Joseph's 33.34 31.23 26.46 29.90 25.93
43 Ocha Crenshaw Freshman Virginia State 25.16 28.87 26.48 26.48 21.19
44 Sharmane Duren Sophomore VCU 21.4 19.3 26.5 21.4 25.7
45 Hillary Schwab Junior William and Mary 25.06 31.18 26.65 26.65 23.46
46 Altimase Thomas Junior Virginia State 33.62 28.28 26.68 28.28 26.68
47 Jennifer Ward Junior Liberty U. 33.15 25.40 26.73 24.06 20.59
48 Marie Williams Sophomore Liberty U. 19.56 23.85 26.79 27.87 26.26
48 Amelia Sofis Senior Duquesne 32.96 26.26 26.79 34.83 28.94
50 Dejanelle Aggrey Freshman Howard 24.45 29.28 26.86 22.03 27.94
51 Nomi-Kaie Bennett Freshman Howard 32.54 20.44 26.89 34.69 33.89
52 Toni Aluko Sophomore Maryland 30.42 25.04 26.92 25.04 35.00
53 Cassie Harris Freshman Binghamton 31.22 24.70 27.14 30.13 28.50
54 Elena Resovich Senior Duquesne 20.37 34.23 27.16 21.46 22.55
54 Jazelle Mealing Freshman Binghamton 30.42 20.65 27.16 32.87 29.34
56 Shantel Burrell Sophomore Christopher Newport 22.05 22.60 27.22 34.03 23.96
57 Tara Markey Sophomore Richmond 22.92 20.74 27.28 30.83 22.65
58 Efuru Ballantyne Freshman Virginia State 25.68 20.21 27.31 28.41 30.59
58 Holly Chambers Junior St. Francis (NY) 19.12 22.94 27.31 33.05 20.49
60 Bethany Riley Freshman James Madison 30.89 19.68 27.33 34.44 24.33
61 Sarah Funderburke Junior Lynchburg 35.74 30.24 27.49 33.82 22.55
62 Corielle Parsons Freshman VMI 33.29 33.84 27.51 31.37 32.19
63 Latoya Saulters Sophomore Virginia State 31.78 34.54 27.63 27.91 33.44
64 Annie Bell Freshman Rhodes 21.76 32.64 27.89 24.55 30.96
65 Stephanie Lapp Freshman Richmond 31.87 27.95 27.95 24.32 32.15
66 Casey Rascoe Senior James Madison 26.03 31.06 27.98 19.59 21.55
67 Candace White Sophomore Christopher Newport 28.9 30.3 28.1 21.6 23.8
68 Halie Lyons Freshman Virginia Wesleyan College 22.78 27.00 28.12 36.28 31.50
69 Meg Seay Sophomore VCU 30.1 21.2 28.7 32.7 30.4
70 lisa arri   D.C. Capitol Track Club 28.03 29.81 29.81 28.32 35.78
71 Shauna Atwood Junior Lynchburg 37.33 37.01 32.46 26.62 26.30
0 Maisha Pinkard Senior Hampton NT NT NT NT NT
0 Holly Giacolone Freshman VMI NT NT NT NT NT
0 Lauren Wallace Sophomore St. Joseph's NT NT NT NT NT
0 Sherita Harriot Senior MD-Eastern Shore NT NT NT NT NT
0 Shannon Alston Sophomore Monmouth NT NT NT NT NT
0 Courtney Green Senior VCU NT NT NT NT NT
Women's 200 Meters Section 1
1 Kellie Wells Senior Hampton 23.53
2 Yvette Lewis Junior Hampton 23.65
3 Lynn Hernandez Senior Maryland 23.87
4 Christina Dewitt Sophomore Hampton 24.12
5 LaClaire Carter Senior Howard 24.22
6 maria ferguson   U.S. Elite 24.38
7 Septima Glenn Freshman Hampton 24.4
17 Tiffany Walton Sophomore Hampton 25.41
0 Maisha Pinkard Senior Hampton NT
Women's 200 Meters Section 2
8 Rachel Lewis Freshman Hampton 24.48
9 Kim Williams Freshman Binghamton 24.61
10 Karen Simon Senior Christopher Newport 24.64
12 Arionne Allen Sophomore Hampton 25.29
16 Reannah Lewis Junior St. Francis (NY) 25.4
25 Jordan Teuber Sophomore St. Joseph's 25.73
27 Marrisa Biggins Sophomore James Madison 25.76
32 Andrea Bussey Freshman Hampton 26.12
0 Lauren Wallace Sophomore St. Joseph's NT
Women's 200 Meters Section 3
11 Candace Holness Sophomore Maryland 25.69 17.63 25.18 22.41
13 Toria Williams Senior Monmouth 32.69 19.52 25.34 24.08
14 Danielle McNaney   Unattached 21.81 21.81 25.36 23.59
26 eboni reavis   U.S. Elite 19.31 25.49 25.74 30.12
27 Lakiesha Banks Sophomore Virginia State 22.93 27.05 25.76 20.35
31 Sheena Ruff Senior St. Francis (NY) 30.5 27.9 26.1 19.8
46 Altimase Thomas Junior Virginia State 25.88 27.22 26.68 20.01
58 Efuru Ballantyne Freshman Virginia State 19.94 19.94 27.31 32.23
0 Courtney Green Senior VCU NT NT NT NT
Women's 200 Meters Section 4
14 Nicole McKenzie Senior MD-Eastern Shore 27.14 26.89 26.12 27.14 25.36 31.96
18 Yvette White-Johnson Senior Mid Atlantic Elite 29.68 24.31 26.61 28.91 25.58 30.96
19 Kathleen Woody Junior William and Mary 22.05 18.71 28.45 25.89 25.63 19.74
20 Jennifer Hill   D.C. Capitol Track Club 33.35 22.83 19.50 28.22 25.65 21.81
21 Ashley Madonick Freshman William and Mary 18.74 32.09 20.54 22.59 25.67 23.11
24 Deanna Paulson Junior Monmouth 26.50 29.58 28.30 30.10 25.72 23.41
29 Joanne Shia Sophomore Monmouth 27.23 30.86 29.05 29.82 25.93 20.23
30 Erica Moody Sophomore Duquesne 33.58 24.73 19.27 27.34 26.03 30.72
38 Natosca Josephs Freshman Virginia Intermont 32.84 20.23 29.69 32.58 26.27 31.00
Women's 200 Meters Section 5
23 Illiana Blackshear Freshman Monmouth 25.69
33 Shonte Cook Sophomore Duquesne 26.13
33 Erika Banks Sophomore VCU 26.13
36 Adeola Abisogun Freshman William and Mary 26.24
41 Brittany Rogers Freshman Howard 26.43
44 Sharmane Duren Sophomore VCU 26.5
48 Amelia Sofis Senior Duquesne 26.79
52 Toni Aluko Sophomore Maryland 26.92
63 Latoya Saulters Sophomore Virginia State 27.63
Women's 200 Meters Section 6
22 Alisha Burnett Junior Virginia Union 20.80 19.52 25.68 25.94 33.39 21.83 24.91
35 Tierra Gregory Freshman UMBC 19.10 20.67 26.16 33.75 22.24 18.84 27.47
40 Kathy Parker Freshman Duquesne 19.51 33.74 26.36 31.11 27.42 18.72 26.63
42 Valerie Ramirez Junior St. Joseph's 18.79 18.79 26.46 23.29 21.97 23.29 30.96
48 Marie Williams Sophomore Liberty U. 19.83 22.51 26.79 33.76 34.03 19.29 30.54
54 Elena Resovich Senior Duquesne 34.50 19.83 27.16 31.78 23.90 21.73 31.24
57 Tara Markey Sophomore Richmond 27.01 29.74 27.28 30.56 27.56 33.29 19.92
65 Stephanie Lapp Freshman Richmond 19.57 31.31 27.95 27.95 25.44 24.04 31.31
0 Sherita Harriot Senior MD-Eastern Shore NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
Women's 200 Meters Section 7
39 Ashley Earnest Freshman Duquesne 32.40 26.34 30.29 21.60 28.45
43 Ocha Crenshaw Freshman Virginia State 25.16 26.48 32.31 28.07 25.69
47 Jennifer Ward Junior Liberty U. 29.14 26.73 25.66 21.12 25.13
53 Cassie Harris Freshman Binghamton 21.44 27.14 29.32 19.54 27.69
56 Shantel Burrell Sophomore Christopher Newport 29.40 27.22 34.03 26.68 22.60
66 Casey Rascoe Senior James Madison 21.83 27.98 21.27 34.70 29.38
69 Meg Seay Sophomore VCU 24.9 28.7 32.1 35.3 33.0
70 lisa arri   D.C. Capitol Track Club 38.16 29.81 33.69 28.03 24.45
0 Shannon Alston Sophomore Monmouth NT NT NT NT NT
Women's 200 Meters Section 8
37 Syreeta Brown Sophomore Mount St. Mary's 26.25 21.79 33.60 23.63 19.43
45 Hillary Schwab Junior William and Mary 26.65 28.79 22.39 33.85 33.85
50 Dejanelle Aggrey Freshman Howard 26.86 32.24 30.62 33.58 32.77
51 Nomi-Kaie Bennett Freshman Howard 26.89 28.24 26.36 19.63 34.96
54 Jazelle Mealing Freshman Binghamton 27.16 29.61 23.36 26.89 30.42
58 Holly Chambers Junior St. Francis (NY) 27.31 24.04 24.31 25.68 21.31
60 Bethany Riley Freshman James Madison 27.33 19.13 19.41 19.13 27.61
61 Sarah Funderburke Junior Lynchburg 27.49 34.37 28.87 24.47 29.97
62 Corielle Parsons Freshman VMI 27.51 20.64 27.79 28.61 31.37
Women's 200 Meters Section 9
64 Annie Bell Freshman Rhodes 22.04 32.08 27.89 25.66 27.06 22.87
67 Candace White Sophomore Christopher Newport 33.1 29.2 28.1 21.3 32.0 27.8
68 Halie Lyons Freshman Virginia Wesleyan College 36.56 34.03 28.12 32.06 26.72 27.00
71 Shauna Atwood Junior Lynchburg 30.19 40.58 32.46 41.88 26.95 31.17
0 Holly Giacolone Freshman VMI NT NT NT NT NT NT