March 27-30, 2013
Texas-Mike A. Myers Stadium - Austin, TX

Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries

1 Episcopal (Bellaire) Joel Latson, Tyreik Gray, Lloyd Julian, Curtis Brown 49.90 42.65 34.98 30.71 31.14 39.67
2 Celina Micah Nelson, Nathan Elliott, Ben Thiel, Deshawn Davis 44.14 42.85 30.00 42.00 34.71 44.14
3 Orange West Orange-Stark Maurice Morris, Chris James, ThoMarcus Fontenot, Colin Janice 38.8 43.2 43.2 44.9 30.2 44.0
4 Argyle Chase Green, Reese Thompson, Ian Sadler, Connor Wilson 46.47 43.43 42.13 33.88 39.53 49.08
5 Bellville De'Brae Parker, Aaron Sanders, Bronson Allen, Troy Edmond 36.96 43.48 36.53 56.09 50.44 49.57
6 Northside Lionel Alfred, Tevin Johnson, Alton Smothers, Shakier Ryan 34.81 43.51 52.65 30.46 50.48 48.30
7 Kennedale Juwan Washington, Leon Powell, Donny Darville, Patrick Lovings 37.00 43.52 54.84 43.96 30.47 43.52
8 Rosebud-Lott Juwon Roberson, Tyler Salazar, Artis Johnson, Andrew Moore 47.65 43.71 39.34 35.85 36.28 34.53
9 Rockport-Fulton Logan Jasek, Anthony Resendez, Brandon Ngo, Dylan Truesdale 50.00 43.86 55.71 53.95 40.36 50.44
10 Taylor Terrance Thompson, Blaine Johnson, Isaac Franco, Fred Kerley 54.55 43.99 37.84 46.63 33.44 48.83
11 Fredericksburg Cody Stevens, Matthew McManigle, Clay Enderlin, Kyler Sultemeier 45.42 44.09 40.13 38.36 54.68 40.13
12 Princeton Marquis Thomas, Nkeal Bailey, Jakari Dillard, Jourdan Blake 33.17 44.22 48.20 37.59 45.99 56.61
13 Robstown John Gonzalez, Victor Leal, Omar Elizondo, Jonathan Elizondo 44.68 44.23 41.58 51.75 31.41 30.96
14 Dallas Gateway Mark Garcia, Tavion Cargil, Kelvin Johnson, Travon Morgon 47.92 44.37 43.04 39.94 52.36 35.94
15 Dallas Roosevelt Jamar Mack, Avonta Shaw, Tarrin Mitchell, DeQuone Shaw 55.55 44.44 50.22 47.11 44.89 37.33
16 Mineral Wells Omery Trevino, Juvaree Sutton, Kyle West-Sumrall, Emanuel Hicks 40.98 44.54 35.64 44.99 37.86 40.98
17 Greenhill School Justin Estrada, Tre Albritten, Dylan Roberts, Jalen Sharp 40.1 44.6 40.5 33.4 37.0 44.6
18 Brownwood Jared Crouch, Cooper Howey, Kaimon Ontiveros, Bruce Sterling 45.10 44.65 40.64 55.37 55.82 42.42
19 Kountze Grayland Arnold, Blake Best, Dante McMahon, Shaquille Warren 39.77 44.68 36.19 54.96 33.07 32.62
20 St. Johns School Josh Otey, Justin Bernard, Nathan Avery, Lee Hampton 48.96 44.91 54.79 41.32 55.24 49.85
20 Krum Jake Fleckinstein, Charles Eneh, Blaine Brooks, Brennan Ellis 39.08 44.91 44.91 44.46 54.35 37.73
22 Glen Rose Ryan Lamb, Kevin Uehline, Martine Dela Santos, Blake Eschbach 36.44 44.98 49.48 56.23 44.53 47.68
23 Grapeland Kevin Campbell, Jacolby Simpson, Devin Lomax, Patrick Walker 37.06 45.19 57.85 39.77 35.70 41.58
24 All Saints Episcopal (FW) Brandon Johnson, Isaiah Harris, Xavier Phillips, Daniel Gresham 43.44 45.25 35.30 47.06 42.99 43.90
25 St. Marks School of Texas Dylan Altschuler, Malcolm Bowman, Harrison Hewitt, Kendrick Spraglin 37.1 45.3 33.5 54.8 42.1 38.0
26 Mexia Kendrick Mack, Tyler Porter, Arik Weathers, Broderick Reeves 51.25 45.35 39.01 58.51 48.08 31.75
27 Zephyr Dakota Rogers, Jayden Ezra, Hunter Harper, Dillon Williams 50.41 45.41 56.31 35.42 48.59 48.14
28 Life Red Oak Ethan Hodges, Shawn Foulks, Kaine Blake, Gaige Thomas 49.08 45.44 35.90 33.18 57.71 55.90
29 La Vernia Brandon Ochoa, Alex Dews, Levi Andrews, Eric Schweers 33.24 45.53 38.70 50.09 44.17 53.73
30 Blanco Tyler Brown, Aikman Elrod, John Hodge, Alex Palos 37.53 45.76 48.97 39.82 33.41 48.05
31 Corpus Christi West Oso Billy Luster, Justin Perez, John Roman Villareal, John Andrew Villareal 32.71 46.06 53.89 35.01 38.23 33.63
32 Stockdale Josh Vela, Dusty Mosier, Matt Valadez, Joaquin Munoz 48.45 46.14 46.61 53.99 53.07 50.30
33 Holland Christian Ramirez, Marquis Bilal, Twister Taylor, Reece Nicholson 42.54 46.74 56.09 49.08 49.55 57.96
34 Kemp Calbert Hukill, Matt House, Jordan Litts, David Dennis 37.15 47.02 43.26 33.86 47.02 52.67
Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 1
7 Kennedale Washington, Powell, Darville, Lovings 43.52
8 Rosebud-Lott Roberson, Salazar, Johnson, Moore 43.71
19 Kountze Arnold, Best, McMahon, Warren 44.68
20 Krum Fleckinstein, Eneh, Brooks, Ellis 44.91
20 St. Johns School Otey, Bernard, Avery, Hampton 44.91
22 Glen Rose Lamb, Uehline, Dela Santos, Eschbach 44.98
24 All Saints Episcopal (FW) Johnson, Harris, Phillips, Gresham 45.25
34 Kemp Hukill, House, Litts, Dennis 47.02
Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 2
4 Argyle Green, Thompson, Sadler, Wilson 43.43 43.43 37.79 48.65
12 Princeton Thomas, Bailey, Dillard, Blake 44.22 46.88 31.40 57.49
14 Dallas Gateway Garcia, Cargil, Johnson, Morgon 44.37 53.25 53.25 34.61
16 Mineral Wells Trevino, Sutton, West-Sumrall, Hicks 44.54 31.63 40.98 41.43
27 Zephyr Rogers, Ezra, Harper, Williams 45.41 45.41 39.96 46.32
33 Holland Ramirez, Bilal, Taylor, Nicholson 46.74 39.27 50.48 55.16
Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 3
3 Orange West Orange-Stark Morris, James, Fontenot, Janice 49.6 38.8 43.2
13 Robstown Gonzalez, Leal, Elizondo, Elizondo 52.20 42.91 44.23
15 Dallas Roosevelt Mack, Shaw, Mitchell, Shaw 41.33 40.89 44.44
26 Mexia Mack, Porter, Weathers, Reeves 52.16 38.55 45.35
28 Life Red Oak Hodges, Foulks, Blake, Thomas 42.72 40.90 45.44
30 Blanco Brown, Elrod, Hodge, Palos 57.66 57.66 45.76
Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 4
1 Episcopal (Bellaire) Latson, Gray, Julian, Brown 42.65 51.18
6 Northside Alfred, Johnson, Smothers, Ryan 43.51 46.99
9 Rockport-Fulton Jasek, Resendez, Ngo, Truesdale 43.86 36.85
11 Fredericksburg Stevens, McManigle, Enderlin, Sultemeier 44.09 45.42
17 Greenhill School Estrada, Albritten, Roberts, Sharp 44.6 36.5
18 Brownwood Crouch, Howey, Ontiveros, Sterling 44.65 43.31
31 Corpus Christi West Oso Luster, Perez, Villareal, Villareal 46.06 42.84
32 Stockdale Vela, Mosier, Valadez, Munoz 46.14 36.45
Boys 4 x 100m Relay HS Div. I Preliminaries Heat 5
2 Celina Nelson, Elliott, Thiel, Davis 54.85 42.85
5 Bellville Parker, Sanders, Allen, Edmond 47.40 43.48
10 Taylor Thompson, Johnson, Franco, Kerley 53.67 43.99
23 Grapeland Campbell, Simpson, Lomax, Walker 42.93 45.19
25 St. Marks School of Texas Altschuler, Bowman, Hewitt, Spraglin 38.0 45.3
29 La Vernia Ochoa, Dews, Andrews, Schweers 38.25 45.53